HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR YOUTH PROGRAMS? Preliminary Version An Inter-Program Quiz (That favors the Boy Scouts, since I wrote it for a Cub Scout Roundtable meeting) by Mark Adkins April 16th, 1997 ............................................................. This is a preliminary version being offered for two reasons- 1. For your fun and edification, and 2. To collect feedback and more ideas for questions. I am especially interested in good questions from organizations not yet listed. If I use your questions, I will send you a handsome certificate of participation and a file of ideas and other junk i have done. If you send me TWO or more good questions, I will omit the other files! If you have any suggestions, specific questions, or correction/clarifications, please drop me an E-mail note- ................................................................ Common abbreviations: BS or GS- Boy or Girl Scouting in general BSA- Boy Scouts of America GSUSA- Girl Scouts, USA GFI- Camp Fire Girls and Boys, Inc. 1. The basic shape of the Boy Scout emblem is based on a design called the ______________. 2. The basic shape of the Girl Scout symbol is called the ________________. 3. Lord Baden-Powell's first name was __________________. 4. Boy Scouting, as a movement, was started in about 1907. Which was the first chartered organization- the BSA, GSUSA or CFI? __________________. 5. Who uses the motto "Be Prepared"? _____________________________________. 6. Whose motto is "Give Service"? ______________________. 7. What did 'Webelos' stand for, before about 1970? ________________________________. 8. Two different organizations offer a "GOLD AWARD", who are they? ________________ and _______________________. 9. What is the highest award in Sea Scouting, BSA? _____________________________. 10. What is the name of the program in the Boy Scouts for the youngest children? ______________________________. 11. What is the Girl Scout equivilant to #10? _______________________________. 12. What is the Camp Fire equivilant to #10? _______________________________. 13. Which program offers "Try-Ad" patches? ______________________________. 14. Which offers "Try-Its"? __________________________________. 15. Scouts (Boy and Girl) decorate their vests with patches. What does a Camp Fire Girl or Boy use? _______________________________. 16. What is the Cub Scout Secret Code? (Write the answer in it) _________________________. 17. What does "WoHeLo" mean? ________________________________. 18. Who founded the Girl Scouts, USA? ________________________________________. 19. Who founded Camp Fire? _________________________________________________. 20. What did Dr. E. Urner Goodman found? _________________________________. 21. What organization did Agnes Baden-Powell help found? ___________________________. 22. Who was Arthur Eldrid? (hint: he was a member of the BSA) _______________________. 23. Where was the first BSA troop in Nebraska? ________________________________. 24. What book is Cub Scouting based primarily on? _________________________________. 25. Before it was Eagle, what was the highest award in the BSA? ____________________. THE ANSWERS: 1. The fleur de lis, or 'flower of the lily', a common symbol in heraldry and often found on mariner's compasses as the north indicator. 2. The trefoil, a three-lobed leaf. 3. He was born Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell, Feb 22, 1857, and commonly went by Stephe as a child and B-P as na adult. 4. The BSA was chartered 2/8/1910. The GSUSA on 3/12/1912 and the CFI on 3/17/1912. All organizations had been around for longer, though. 5. Trick question- that motto is used by both Boy Scout and Girl Scouts around the world. 6. The CFI uses the motto "Give Service". 7. While it has always stood for "We'll Be Loyal Scouts", it used to also stand for "Wolf, Bear, Lion and Scout"- the old ranks in Cubbing. 8. The "Gold Award" is the highest award a Girl Scout can earn. The Explorers BSA offers a "Growth Opportunities Leadership Development" Award, abbreviated GOLD. 9. Sea Scouts can earn the prestigious "Quartermaster Award". 10. Tiger Cubs is open to 1st graders. Cub Scouts are technically in the 2nd through 5th grades. 11. Daisy Scouts are girls in kindergarten and first grades. 12. STAR Flight is the Camp Fire program for Kindergarten to 2nd grade kids. STAR stands for "Service To Another Rewards". 13. Try-Ads are offered by Camp Fire. 14. Try-Its are offred by the Brownie Scouts, GSUSA (partial credit for Girl Scouts). 15. Camp Fire Girls and Boys use patches and decorative beads in elaborate designs. 16. Gnitirw sdrawkcab (writing the words backwards, but not the phrase!) 17. "WoHeLo" was the name of a camp that helped found the Camp Fire Girls. It stands for "Work, Health, Love". 18. Julliete (Daisy) Gordon Lowe. Her birthday is celebrated October 31st (same as Harry Houdini's- sorry, I am also interested in magic!) 19. Several people helped organize Camp Fire, as with all the youth programs, but credit is usually given to Dr. Luther Halsey and CharlotteGulick, and to William Chauncy Langdon. 20. Dr, Goodman founded the Order of the Arrow within the BSA 7/16/1915. 21. Agnes Baden-Powell and her brother, Lord Baden-Powell started the Girl Guides to give girls a scout-like program in about 1910. 22. He was the first Eagle Scout in the BSA. 23. Wauneta, Nebraska. It was of course called Troop 1. 24. While american Cubbing uses a lot of Native American influences, the basic foundation of all Cubbing is Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book", which was written while the author was living in Vermont. 25. It was originally called "Wolf". This was well before the Cub Scouts, and was based on Native American lore.